10 days

Ten days of January has really been lots of fun.
Many ups and downs of course..

But I met so many amazing people..
I had a meeting with a writer (who is also a teacher) in his house. He tool me around the school that he and his wife found. The school was interesting but what was most interesting was his personality. He and his wife are amazing! The wife gave me a book she wrote, it was a book about her students. The book is sweet. She expresses her happiness for any improvements her students make. She's happy for the little things. I also learned about her difficulties in leading the school.

I also organized a training for English teachers. I knew the trainer for quite a while but I did not know she was spectacular. She was really, I mean like really, really good. I learned so much. I'll write more about this in Indonesian next time.

Anyhow.. I'm looking forward for the next days. This year I am taking a few risky challenges. I have butterflies in my tummy, wondering if I ever can succeed. However I have learned in my life that we should just keep trying and also be faithful. The rest is in His hands.


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