
Showing posts from March, 2011

Di Pejaten Mall Ada di Taman Bacaan Di Mall (TBM)

Untuk mendukung program tersebut, pemerintah melalui Kemendiknas akan memfasilitasi dalam bentuk dana stimulan dan bekerjasama dengan sponsor, untuk rintisan TBM disediakan dana hibah Rp 70 juta, sedangkan jika dilengkapi dengan pembelajaran komunitas dan aktivitas-aktivitas lain disediakan dana Rp 200 juta. Sore itu saya memang sedang mampir ke Pejaten Village. Itulah pertama kalinya saya sadari ada sebuah ruang yang berisi sejumlah buku dan beberapa ibu-ibu yang sedang matematika di dalamnya. Di luar ada brosur dan beberapa kliping berisi foto-foto do tempat tersebut. Beberapa kegiatan yang tertera di dalam foto tampak menarik. Ada berbagai permainan sains, pelatihan guru sains dan sebagainya. Oh ini yah contoh Taman Bacaan di Mall salah satu proyek dari Pendidikan Luar Sekolah (PLS) yang sempat heboh, pikir saya. Ada rasa mellow yang ntah kenapa menyelinap di dalam ha...

Joyful learning

Today I had one of the most interesting discussion in my life I was at SSE because I planed to study there I was doing a little research with Ibu Nina to prepare for a science workshop We went to the library there because there was quite a lot of books on education including on science education Well, not as many as the libraries abroad, but compared with other Indonesian libraries, it was better When I was there, I informed Pak Iwan Syahril, a lecturer at SSE, that I was there. I was one of his blog follower and he knew me through CFBE mailing-list although we have never met face to face. Me, Bu Nina and Pak Syahril talked from 11.00 until 14.00 about Indonesia's education. We talked about our experiences in working with teachers, we talked about how social sciences were taught in Indonesia, we talked about RSBI, we talked about literature circles for learning language, and how to train pre-teachers, about bottom-up and top-down approaches in education, about education policy and ...